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Schweinegrippe in Sri Lanka, erste Tote


Ich will hier sicher keine Panik verbreiten, aber in SL sind 2010 bis jetzt 22 Menschen an diesem Virus AH1N1 und ca. 300 Personen erkrankt.

Überdies seien die bestätigten und unbestätigten "AH1N1"-Fälle in den letzten Monaten stark angestiegen, so der Sprecher weiter.
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New member
Alle die sich dieses Jahr gegen Grippe geimpft haben sind auch gegen Schweinegrippe geschützt.

Gute Händedesinfektion kann auch helfen...

LG Premasiri


New member
Die srilankische Regierung hat begonnen, Kinder gegen Schweinegrippe zu impfen. Für Erwachsene steht der Impfstoff anscheinend noch nicht zur Verfügung.


[h=1]Sri Lankans Warned About H1N1 Virus[/h]
Pregnant mothers, children under two years of age and elders above 65 years and those who have chronic diseases are being advised to take medication immediately if they get symptoms such as body aches, cough, sore throat, flue, headache, running nose and diarrhoea. These can be the symptoms of seasonal flue caused by the H1N1 virus, Senior Registrar Epidemiology Unit Dr Athula Liyanapathirana cautioned the public.
According to Dr Liyanapathirana, seasonal influenza is a flue like illness limited to infected people, but added that a small percentage of people may get severe outcomes when they contract it. “Even though the people in the high risk category may not show influenza symptoms; they are advised to avoid unnecessary travel, not to be at public places and not to use public transportation,” Dr Liyanapathirana said.
The H1N1 virus causes the disease and 40 deaths have been reported island-wide by last week Thursday morning. Dr Liyanapathirana said 11 deaths have been reported from the Karapitiya Teaching Hospital alone.
