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Humans of Sri Lanka


New member
“I was born in 1921 which makes me 94 years old, and I sell toys for living for the past 10 years. I also live and sleep within this shaded shop compound. Earlier I used to work in a tea plantation, but soon with age the work there became too tiresome and I quit it. From time immemorial, I’ve been a vegan consuming only vegetables and red rice. I’ve never touched alcohol nor smoked or even consumed meat, fish or eggs. I always lived independently, never been married and have been content with whatever I’ve had.”



Danke, wirklich ganz tolle Bilder. :fing002:

Meine Top 2 bisher:

1. Bild #2

2. Bild #21

Sehenswert sind die Bilder allerdings wirklich alle !


Danke für das Einstellen Bettina. :wink: Mein absoluter Favorit ist übrigens auch Bild 2! Obwohl alle Fotos etwas haben, da man ncht nur lachende Menschen sieht sondern dazu auch mal die Geschichten dahinter lesen kann.

Liebe Grüsse auf die Insel, Biggi


New member
"I am not a beggar. I sell children’s books because that is what I can do since I cannot afford to rent out my own store. But whenever I go near people, they still treat me as a beggar, and find me a nuisance. Some of the books I sell are very good, and I read their stories to my kids as well whenever I go home. But when I sell, many of the people don’t even look at what I show them. Instead some give me whatever money they can and shoo me away. We deserve respect, and if you don’t want to buy from us, we understand and move on, but please do not scorn us for it."


Bildquelle: https://www.facebook.com/humansofsr...4851072990172/635123269962949/?type=3&theater


New member
"I am not very rich, but I wouldn’t want to change who I am for anything ever. The house you see behind me is my ancestral home, which has been in my family for generations. I know the place is in disrepair, but this is where my grandparents, my parents and I were born and raised. Many people forget their roots and disconnect easily from their homes and move on where they lose their identity. However, I don’t believe in this concept, and would rather stay where I belong in order to remain happy with the friends, family and surroundings which I’ve always lived with and loved."


Bildquelle: https://www.facebook.com/humansofsr...4851072990172/655203554621587/?type=3&theater


New member
"Although the British have left the island, working conditions for us tea planters are no different than what was 100 years ago. Majority of us live in shacks with no electricity or water, and most of us die due to respiratory diseases which come from poor ventilation in our homes. We also have no tenure rights because our homes are owned by companies, and we have to work into the old age to support our families. My dream is that we tea pickers too one day (soon) get an official pension so that one day we could also retire and rest easy.
Many people take pictures of us for postcards and photography, but let me tell you that tea leaf picking is very hard. Every day we have to go prepared to ward off blood thirsty leeches and poisonous snakes, and as a tea picker, I have to choose only the greenest leaves from each bud by hand. My husband is a tea plant trimmer, and he goes with the kokaththa (machete) to manage the trees’ overgrowth."
Bildquelle: https://www.facebook.com/humansofsr...4851072990172/655204511288158/?type=3&theater


Danke Bettina :fing002:

Wirklich immer wieder interessant und auch die Bilder selbst sind immer sehr schön!

Liebe Grüsse, Biggi


New member
"I didn’t think I’ll be a bus conductor, but when my friend said that he was buying a bus and wanted some support, I had to help him. After sitting for my A/L examination, I applied for many jobs in Colombo but I wasn’t accepted anywhere. But now, riding this bus every day and meeting different people, I’ve observed and learned a lot. If I could give out a message to the people, it would be to please bring the exact bus fare amount with you whenever possible. If not it’s very difficult for us conductors to give change, especially if it’s at the start of a bus journey. Please don’t crowd the middle of the bus and also travel to the front by carefully clutching the seat handles or luggage rack handles. Another thing is, if I said I’ll give your change and I don’t, it’s because I probably forgot. We don’t remember all faces of people, so it’s better if you could politely remind us when you see us before getting off."

Bildquelle: https://www.facebook.com/humansofsr...4851072990172/655204001288209/?type=3&theater


New member
Es gibt bei facbook noch eine ähnliche Seite. Diese nennt sich Humans Of Northern Sri Lanka. Ich habe keinen Account bei facebook und kann mir die Seiten nicht ansehen.

Einige Infos gibt es hier.

The Face Behind “Humans Of Northern Sri Lanka”

Link: roar.lk

Auf der roar.lk Seite gibt es einige interessante Artikel.


New member
Danke für den Hinweis, Marco. Schade, dass das so getrennt is tund sich die zwei Initiativen nicht zusammentun.

Hier mal Bild und Story von Humans of Northern Sri Lanka:

"It's a man's world, but men are not easily blamed for slipping up. If a father does not take adequate care of his children, people sympathize with him for being a single parent. If it's a single mother though, people castigate her for not having well turned out, well fed children. This, despite the fact that the man can earn easily and thus support the children better, as opposed to a woman who faces several challenges in this regard.
If a widower remarries, he is doing it for the sake of his children; what a good man he is. If a widow remarries, she is a bad mother who put her own needs before the needs of her children; Oh the poor children.
Double standards everywhere."

Bildquelle: https://www.facebook.com/HumansOfNo...476364972669/1614586768761628/?type=3&theater


New member
Habe es gleich geliket. Wusste gar nicht das es diese Seite gibt, da ich die Seite Humans of New York kenne :)