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Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day 2017


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April 10 Monday 2017 Bak Full Moon Poya Day
April 13 Thursday 2017 Day prior to Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day
April 14 Friday 2017 Sinhala and Tamil New Year Day
April 14 Friday 2017 Good Friday

Sinhala and Tamil New Year is a national holiday in Sri Lanka and is celebrated every April. It is also known as Avurudu in Sinhala and Puththandu in Tamil.


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Celebrating Sinhala and Tamil New Year

The favourite national holiday in Sri Lanka is Sinhala and Tamil New Year; called in Sinhala Aluth Avurudda and Tamil Puthandu. New Year, which is on April 14, entails prayer, but mostly activities such as games, and customs of goodwill, among them family gatherings with special food, and visits to relatives and neighbours.

Celebrated by most Sri Lankansin one form or another, the Sinhala and Tamil New Year involves the young and the old, and goodwill that strengthens friendships, community ties and has even produced many entertainment activities.

The Sinhala and Tamil New Year is a date of great importance in the Island's calendar.


Olinda Keliya, a much-loved boardgame
A board game played with olinda (Crab's eye) seeds.


Raban gaseema, an Avurudu pastime
The playing of the large drum, the rabana, by women.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: serendib.btoptions.lk - Serendib
Serendib - Boardmagazin Sri Lankan Airlines


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Avurudu Fun and Games


Olinda Keliya

his is a board game played with the lovely vermilion and black "crab's eye" or olinda seeds. The board is carved out of wood, and has nine holes on each side. In each hole there are four olinda seeds. Scoop the seeds found in one hole into the other. You have to try to gather all the seeds in each hole before your opponent. Usually it is played between two players. But the game is not complete without a crowd, cheering and giving advice.


Playing the Raban

The raban is a circular, large drum that sits on small legs. There are rhymes called raban-pada. Once someone sings the rhyme, the player should beat out the rhythm on the raban.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: serendib.btoptions.lk- Serendib
Serendib - Boardmagazin Sri Lankan Airlines


New member
Olinda Keliya


Many ancient games are played during the Sinhala and Tamil New Year. Olinda Keliya, fundamentally a board game, is a popular game in the village especially amongst women.

A wooden board known as Olinda Kolombuwa or Olinda Poruwa with several holes is used for the game. Although rules differ according to region, the game is usually played between two players seated on either side of the board, while others cheer and await their turn. Typically there are nine holes on either side of the board, within which four beads each are placed. The beads are Olinda seeds that are found in abundance
in villages.

The players must shift the beads from one hole to the other and collect the seeds found in the hole immediately. One gets the hang of it while playing with onlookers shouting out directions. Ultimately the player who has the most amount of olinda beads is the winner.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.timeout.com - Time Out Sri Lanka

Olida keliya - Colombo Television


New member
Let’s play Olinda

As people prepare for the festive season, Malaka Rodrigo looks at a traditional avurudu game – ‘Olinda Keliya’ and the sting behind the bright red and black seed used

‘Olinda Keliya’ is a board game also known as Mancala games where a wooden board known as “Olinda Kolombuwa” or “Olinda Poruwa” which has several holes is used. The rules can differ from area to area, but the game is normally played by two players seated on either side of the board. On either side of the poruwa there are usually nine holes in which are placed four beads each. The beads are Olinda seeds that can be found in abundance in villages.

The players have to shift the beads from one hole to the other and collect the seeds found in the hole immediately after an empty one. Ultimately the player who could collect the largest amount of olinda beads becomes the winner of the game.

Quelle + kompletter Artikel: www.sundaytimes.lk

Olinda Keliya - Mancala - Kalaha - Rincala - Hus - Steinchenspiel - Bohnenspiel - usw.

Die Spielregeln der einzelnen Varianten sind ähnlich.

Im Schloss Weikersheim in Baden-Württemberg stehen zwei Mancala-Tische aus dem frühen 18. Jahrhundert.

Anleitung Mancala aus der Tollabox-"Afrika"

Regeln für Kalaha von Philos Spiele


Von diesen Spielen habe ich doch tatsächlich noch nie gehört. Scheint ja sehr unterhaltsam zu sein ...


New member
Im Jahr 2007 war ich das erste mal zum Zeitpunkt des Neujahrsfestes in Sri Lanka (Wesstküste, Aluthgama).

10 Jahre später :)

Im Jahr 2017 bin ich mehr durch Zufall das zweite mal zum Neujahrsfest auf der Insel (Ostküste, Trincomalee).


New member
Von diesen Spielen habe ich doch tatsächlich noch nie gehört. Scheint ja sehe unterhaltsam zu sein ...
Bisher habe ich nur diese Spiele in Sri Lanka öfters gesehen.




Carrom - Brettspiel - konnte ich in Sri Lanka selbst schon ausprobieren.

Um was für ein Kartenspiel es sich handelt, dass kann ich nicht sagen. Ich hatte vergessen zu fragen.


New member
Werde nächstes Jahr zu dieser Zeit bei Nadee und Siri sein....freue mich schon alle Rituale und Spiele zu sehen...

Danke Marco sehr intressant...wünsche Dir einen guten Flug und schönen Urlaub...


New member
Im Google Playstore gibt es viele Mancala Apps. Ich habe mal einige ausprobiert. Meine Empfehlung ist "Mancala Four Pack Free". Es entspricht logischerweise nicht der Variante aus Sri Lanka (Desihn, Steine usw.). Zum Ausprobieren reicht es aber. Meistens habe ich verloren.


Hinweise zum Spiei:

Wenn der letzte Kugel bei einem eigenen Zug in einer leeren Grube der eigenen Reihe landet, dann werden die Kugeln der gegenüberliegenden - gegnerischen - Grube in den eigenen Speicher (großes Feld) übernommen.

Legt man die letzte Kugel bei einem eigenen Zug in den eigenen Speicher (großes Feld), dann darf man nochmals spielen.

In den gegnerischen Speicher (großes Feld) darf man keine Kugel legen. Das macht die App auch nicht.

Es gibt 2 x 6 x 4 = 48 Kugeln. Wer 25 im Speicher (großes Feld) hat gewinnt (Mehrheit der Kugeln).


New member
New Year Auspicious Times Aurudu Nakath 2017

It is advisable that the new moon should be sighted on Thursday 30th March for the new lunar year and on Friday 28th April for solar year.

It is advisable to bath on Wednesday 12th April using concoction mixture with the juice of Neem leaves and spend the time commemorating the Gods of Destiny.

The New Year will be dawn on Friday 14th April at 02.04 a.m.

The non – auspicious period will be from 07.40 p.m. on Thursday 13th April to 08.28 a.m. on Friday 14th April. Therefore partake of meals and all work should cease before 07.40 p.m. on Thursday 13th April and should engage in religious observances. During the latter part of the non auspicious period i.e. from 02.04 a.m. to 08.28 a.m. on Friday 14th April, is advisable to involve in New Year rituals such as commencement of work, transactions and partaking of meals as specified below.

It is advisable to light the hearth clad in gold color, facing North at 05.41 a.m. on Friday 14th April and prepare milk-rice with ghee and jaggery and sweets.

It is advisable to commence work, transactions and partaking of meals at 07.05 a.m. on Friday 14th April, clad in white and blue facing north.

It is advisable to anoint oil and concoction mixture with Nuga leaves on the head at 11.04 a.m. on Saturday 15th April, facing north, clad in blue, while keeping Nuga leaves on the head and Karanda leaves under the feet and to bathe thereafter.

It is advisable to set out on employment at 06.28 a.m. on Monday 17th April clad in white after a meal of milk-rice mixed with dee-kiri and ghee and a sweet facing north.

Quelle: studentlanka.com